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  位置导航: 首页业界资讯→BMI:未来5年中国天然气消费将年增10%


更新时间:2017/8/30 来源:中国石化新闻网  [收藏此信息]

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENAFN网站8月26日伦敦报道,来自惠誉旗下研究机构BMI Research(BMI研究)的一份最新研究报告显示,在来自北京持续政策支持下,中国的天然气消费量在未来5年里将以年均10%的速度增长,这是中国政府支持的一项更广泛的清洁能源行动的一部分,目的是减少碳排放强度和改善城市中心的空气质量。




李峻 编译自 MENAFN.com


China's natural gas consumption to increase at an average 10% over next 5 years: BMI Research

China's natural gas consumption will increase at an average rate of 10% over the next five years, on the back of continued policy backing from Beijing, as part of a broader clean-energy drive to reduce carbon intensity and improve air quality in its urban centres, a new report has shown.

China's apparent natural gas consumption rose 11% y-o-y in H1, 2017, supported by government efforts to increase the share of the cleaner-fuel in the national energy mix, as Beijing seeks to reduce carbon intensity and improve air quality in its urban centres, BMI Research has said.

Gas consumption also benefited from stronger-than-expected economic growth over the first half of the year, which led to greater uptake among industrial users.

A number of other key sectors, including glass, ceramics, textiles, appliances and building materials, also more aggressively switched to gas (from coal) in order to comply with government directives, the Fitch Group company said.

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